Saturday, March 31, 2012


Many of you are aware that I have been a public presence at the recent events in Sanford surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin.  What you may not know is my motivation in being there.    I did not go to Sanford to make a political statement, but a pastoral one: that was Canon Nelson Pinder’s observation and it is accurate. 

I went to Sanford with the enthusiastic support of Fr. Rory Harris, Rector of Holy Cross in Sanford, because I wanted to pastorally stand with a community of people, specifically the African American community of Sanford, who were deeply concerned that they were not being treated fairly by local law enforcement.
What I observed at the City Commission public hearing where I spoke only confirmed that concern.   Many of us grew up in communities where we trusted the police to do their job fairly.  We believed them to be people of good will who would even let us off for minor infractions if circumstances warranted.   Because that is my experience with local law enforcement, I am far more inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt, not get involved, and allow investigations to quietly take their course.   These are assumptions that I suspect many of you share and that is still my hope. 

The African American community of Sanford does not, however, share many of these same assumptions.  They were praying, openly at that meeting, for a fair outcome, but they were not at all sure it would happen.  Anecdotal stories of racial prejudice on the part of law enforcement were told at that hearing numerous times from people who began their stories by saying, “I grew up in this community.”  There was enough history of unfair treatment by the police that people were afraid that nothing would be done, even though they believed that one of their own had been murdered.  They believed that if Trayvon Martin had been white and walking in that same neighborhood, dressed exactly the same way, his death would not have happened.

So I stood before the microphone and addressed the City Commission.  I spoke of the grief I would be feeling if it had been one of my own sons who had been shot.  I echoed the sentiments of others who were pleading for an open, fair and impartial investigation.   I publicly joined that community in their prayers for justice.  Later, I sent an email to Sanford’s Mayor, Jeff Triplett, thanking him for his courage and for the City Commission’s open hearing.

My hope in going was to embody, in some small and public way, two Biblical principles:

1.     The haunting question of “who is my neighbor” found in the parable of the Good Samaritan that ties us all together regardless of race or neighborhood.

2.     The heartbreaking unity described in Paul’s phrase “when one suffers, all suffer.”
As a bishop, I have a responsibility to embody and articulate a clear Christian witness, both in our churches and in the public arena.  That responsibility is central to my office.   That is a part of what I believe it means to live out, in our day, the faith of the apostles.

Since my involvement in Sanford I have received many responses.  Most of the responses have been overwhelmingly positive, from clergy and laypeople both in and outside the Episcopal Church as well as in and outside our community.

 There have been a few who have voiced some criticism, and understandably so.  The facts of the case continue to shift.  Things are murky, not clear.  All involved have their faults.  If one chooses to only publicly support those who are completely innocent, then one will wait a very long time, indeed. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012

One Particular Moment

Last week I was consecrated the Episcopal bishop of Central Florida.  In the midst of wonderful celebrations and glorious worship one particular moment stands out- a symbol of both the posture of the office and all Christian's posture before God:  prostration.

When the time for the actual prayers of ordination and consecration came,  I prostrated myself on a prayer rug.  The rug was a gift of the Anglican bishop of Iran, woven by Christians in Pakistan.  The largest symbol on the rug is the figure of the Lamb slain.  The rug itself was a symbol of  Christians valiant under persecution and strong in prayer; and where was I?  I was  prostrate before God and supported both by their prayers and the courage of their witness.  It was a holy moment where I knew I was upheld by the Spirit of God.  It was because of that moment (and all that had brought me there) that I knew I could, in good conscience, kneel before the bishops gathered and receive the laying on of hands for ordination.  

I am so keenly conscience that I can do nothing for God unless I am empowered by God's Spirit to do so. Left to my own devices I may keep myself busy with ecclesiastical responsibilities, but that does not mean I am doing anything for the Kingdom of God.  Only works "begun, continued and ended in Thee" bear any fruit for the Kingdom.

But for me to bear any fruit for the Kingdom, I need the fuel of other's prayers.  To put it bluntly, I am desperate for the supernatural support of intercession.  The rug symbolized those prayers- coming from those that the world counts as the least of these,  yet they are mighty in faith and I know that they are in prayer for people like me.   It is because of these prayers and the prayers of many others that I am sustained.

It is because of these prayers that I, too, pray for others and have committed my life to a life that centers around the twin peaks of intercession and action.   Intercssion without action is pietism.  Action without intercession is carnality.  But intercession and action woven together can, by God's grace, bear the fruit of a life strengthened and guided by the mercy of God.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Choosing the Richest of Fare

Crying against the idolatry of ancient Israel Isaiah said, ““Come, all you who are thirty, come to the waters, and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!  Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?  Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare.”  (Is 55:1).  In the Biblical story of the Wise Men,  we are asked the very same questions.  

This small story in the Bible has a seriously subversive intent. It completely upends the Darwinian social order of things- where the rich and the powerful control the poor and the weak.   It holds in derision our fascination with celebrities, money, and political power.  It calls idolatrous the time, energy the time and money we spend on our image.  It holds in judgment our pursuit of financial security, and our perennial need to be in control.  It condemns our tepid religious devotion. 

To get some sense of the force of the story imagine three internationally known diplomats arriving in their limos at a roach infested shack, and- paying no mind to dung on the dirt floor- getting on their knees in front of a baby to worship him.   They freely give away their treasures in his honor.  They ask nothing in return.  

Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th Century French abbot, wrote these words of sarcastic irony

“Whatever are you doing, you Magi?  You worship a baby at the breast, in a poor shed, in common swaddling clothes!  Is He then God?  God is in His holy temple, surely; the Lords’ seat is in heaven; yet you are looking for Him in a wretched stable and on His mother’s lap!  What do you mean by offering Him gold?  Is He a King?  If so, where is His palace, where is His throne, and where are the many members of His royal court?  Is the stable His palace?  Is the manger His throne?  Do Joseph and Mary constitute His court?  How have the wise men become such fools as to adore a child, whose age and whose relation to poverty alike deserves contempt? 

Bernard goes on to write the answer to his own question:  

They have become fools, but have become so that they may be wise.  The stable does not seem mean to them. They find no cause of stumbling in the poverty of swaddling clothes, nor does the Savior’s suckling speechlessness offend them.  They fall on their faces, they revere Him as King,  the worship Him as God.  Of a truth, God who has led them has instructed them.  This magi’s faithful act of worship has rendered this a day to be observed with reverence and love. “ 

What does it mean to observe this event with “reverence and love’”? It is to face the story's condemnation of religious indifference.  It is to beg God to warm your heart, giving you that same passionate pursuit that God gave the Magi.  You may not have seen a star rising in the east, but God is inviting you, even calling you to fall on your face, seek His presence and give Him all that you have and all that you are.